2008年2月8日 星期五


once 這是一部愛爾蘭出品的電影,有一種淡淡的憂愁,充滿濕冷的空氣,一切是那麼簡單、輕鬆、順著音樂的感覺遊走,置身在這浪漫的節奏裡。


故事內容我不便多題,因我想留給你們自己去觀賞,而我主要介紹的是他的音樂,裡面的音樂是愛爾蘭的團體 The Frames 所唱的,每一首歌,都很適合一個人的時候聆聽,那種簡單的吉他聲,充滿憂愁的嗓音,有著英式搖滾的面貌,讓人暫時忘記煩惱,這部電影,你可以只要聽著音樂,從開演到結束,你的耳朵,你的身心,你的一切還置身在那優柔倉桑的嗓音之中,久久不能散去(寫的好像有點誇張),是一部很棒的音樂電影

Once:推薦曲 Falling Slowly

Falling Slowly

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along

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